Woodpecker 3 in 1 Wooden Toy set 啄木鸟3合1木制玩具 One price 3 games! 🤩 Save money, save storage space and more fun! 🤪 #一个价钱三个玩法! 省钱,省收纳空间,而且更有趣😍 ▶️Magnetic Number Apple Tree 磁性数字苹果树 Let kids stick the number on tree. For baby can practise hand-eyes coordination. For toddler can learn numbers. 让孩子把苹果贴在苹果树。宝宝可以练手眼协调,幼童可以学数字 ▶️ Woodpacker find worms. 啄木鸟找虫吃 There's magnet chips on woodpecker mouth. Can use that to `catch worm'. For hand-eyes coordination, also colour recognition. 用有磁铁的啄木鸟嘴抓虫,可以训练手眼协调,和颜色认知 ▶️Plant and plug carrots. 萝卜拔拔乐 Carrots are in differebt size, let kids match the carrot in correspondents hole. Can learn on size and sequence 让孩子把不同大小的萝卜放入对应的洞口。大小与排列的认知。 Whole set made by wood 🤎 Solid quality and fun game. 全木制,好玩又高品质的游戏。 🍎 WhatsApp 0164469173 🍎 IG:dee_eternity_b 🍎 Fb page: DEE B. TOYS SHOP #woodentoy #woodepecker #magneticwoodpecker #numberappletree #learningnumbers #learnfromplay #montessori #colorrecognition #deeBtoyshop #malaysiatoystore
Wooden Woodpecker 3in1 toy set 啄木鸟3合1木制玩具
RM42.00 Regular Price
RM38.00Sale Price